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pregnancy expect

How to Get Dad Involved in Pregnancy

Although the woman is the one who must carry and nurture her unborn baby, men don't have to take a step back during the pregnancy. A dad should share his significant other's pregnancy experience to the fullest extent, recommends the…

How to Care for Pregnant Mothers

With over 4 million live births in the United States and about 875,000 women experiencing complications during pregnancy, caring for pregnant mothers is a priority. Pregnancy can be a trying yet exciting time. Through each trimester ,a…

Stages of a Fourth Month Pregnancy

Fetal Development As you begin your 16th week of pregnancy, your baby already has a nose, two eyes and ears. His heart is now fully formed although the lungs are still developing. He will begin to swallow amniotic fluid this month. During…

Are Hot Tubs Safe During Pregnancy?

One of the best ways to relax after a stressful day is to sit in a nice, warm hot tub. All the pressure leaves your muscles and ordinarily you feel invigorated subsequently. Most women will agree that the stress of being pregnant is…

Top Ten Signs You Are Pregnant

In case you're pondering whether you may be pregnant, you may find a solution by taking a gander at signals from your body, which discharges hormones when you imagine. This results in many little clues informing you of your new status as a…

Can One Have a Period When Pregnant?

Maybe your period was two or three weeks late and similarly as you were going to take that pregnancy test, you've begun spotting. Or maybe you already got a plus sign on a pregnancy test but this morning you started having bleeding that…