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What to Expect When Your Wife Is Expecting

When you found out that your wife was expecting, many emotions and thoughts probably went through your head all at once. As the title of the popular book suggests, pregnancy is a time of great changes, both for the pregnant woman and for her spouse.


Early Pregnancy

During the early stages of pregnancy, your wife will experience symptoms similar to those of a menstrual period. These can include headaches, bloating, fatigue, appetite changes, and irritability.


Morning Sickness

Beginning in the early stages of pregnancy, many women experience morning sickness in response to the pregnancy hormones in their bodies. Morning sickness can cause nausea and vomiting and can occur at any time of the day or night.


Your Wife Is Expecting


Weight Gain

Women typically gain 25-35 pounds during their pregnancy. During this important nine month period, your wife’s body will grow and expand to accommodate your growing child. Her breasts will become larger and will begin producing colostrum (pre-breast milk) during the last trimester of pregnancy.


Supporting Your Wife

Offering your wife emotional support and reassurance is one of the best things that you can do for her. You can also offer her support by attending childbirth and parenting classes, accompanying her to prenatal appointments, and helping her to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest and exercise.


Learning More

Take the time to research pregnancy, as well as its complications and symptoms so that you can help your wife make informed choices and decisions during this time. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask her doctor during her prenatal visits.


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