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Types of Boppy & Body Pillows

Body pillows are long pillows meant to be a support for parts of the body. Boppy pillows are breastfeeding pillows which have many other uses. Body and boppy pillows offer good support for pregnant women and new moms as they ease the discomfort of sleeping and feeding and give mom a bit of a break.

Body Pillows



Body pillows are made from several different kinds of material. Choosing one depends on what you want to get out of the pillow as well as how much you’d like to spend. A foam pillow will conform to the body and support it exactly where you need the relief. A down pillow is very plush but will offer less support. A cotton pillow is the least expensive and travels well but isn’t as comfortable as a down and will wear more quickly.



There are numerous shapes and sizes of body pillows available. From full-length body pillows to shortened hips and belly region only sizes. The shapes vary just as much. Some pillows are flexible and allow you to shape them as needed. Other pillows have a more exact form that you have to get into essentially and fit around your curves.



The reason you want a body pillow in the first place should be taken into consideration when looking for the proper one. If you need support for your belly during pregnancy, the pillow you choose might be different than if you need relief from hip pain, when you would want a pillow between your legs.


Boppy Pillow

The boppy pillow is meant to be used as a breastfeeding support which assists the mother with holding her child in the correct position while he feeds. The boppy pillow can also be used a support for babies to lie in a slightly elevated position as well as to begin learning how to sit up on their own.


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