that deer is ours!

Weimaraner Breed Information

If you are considering a Weimaraner, keep in mind that this sleek, athletic dog is usually affectionate and cheerful, but may also be a bit willful and combative with other dogs. The Weimaraner can be a rather sensitive dog, becoming restless and even destructive when left alone for long periods.

If you add a Weimaraner to your family, plan to have an indoor companion that will need some outside exercise, accompanied by a family member. Dogs of this breed can be good with children in the family, but because the Weimaraner is so energetic and quick, young children might be at risk of injury.


Weimaraner Temperament

The Weimaraner is generally a cheerful and affectionate dog that needs to be around people. A well-socialized Weimaraner, given basic obedience training and consistent attention by family members, can be a wonderful pet.

Dogs of this breed can also be a bit hard-headed and resistant to repetitive training demands. Patience is the key with this breed, even if the young dog has been well socialized by a top breeder.

A Weimaraner is also protective of its own territory and dogs in the breed have shown bravery and a strong instinct to prey on smaller animals. A new owner of the Weimaraner should probably not trust this breed with small animals such as kittens, rabbits, etc. The Weimaraner is, however, eager to please, so if you work with your new pet you can develop a very strong bond between dog and owner.

Weimaraner Temperament


Weimaraner Size and Color

Males of the breed can grow to 24-27 inches at the withers and may weigh up to 70 pounds. Females will stand about 22-25 inches and weigh 50 pounds to 65 pounds.

This sleek animal has a distinctive short coat of a beautiful gray, though this color can be of various shades, lighter and darker. Eyes of the Weimaraner may be amber, blue-gray, or gray. Most owners will dock the Weimaraner tail and you will find this breed has webbed feet for swimming.

Weimaraner Size and Color


Weimaraner Feeding and Grooming Requirements

The Weimaraner coat is easy to care for because it is short and fine. Brushing occasionally with a firm bristle brush will usually keep the coat in fine shape. Dry shampoo is recommended occasionally but wet baths should be given only when necessary. The nice thing about this breed is that shedding is generally little.

Many owners of purebred dogs have started to feed their pets’ fresh meats and even some vegetables, the same items the owners bring home from the store for themselves. This may be fine for your Weimaraner, though you should talk with the breeder and your veterinarian before deciding on a long-term diet or making significant changes in diet.

Top-quality foods are highly recommended if you decide to feed commercial foods. Some dogs develop allergies to the high-grain content of cheaper brands.

Weimaraner Feeding and Grooming Requirements


Weimaraner Exercise Needs

This lean, athletic dog will exhibit a lot of energy and will need to run. This dog was bred as a working dog so it does have stamina. A Weimaraner will be happiest when given freedom to run, but care should be taken to protect the dog from traffic because it loves to run in the open. It is best not to exercise the Weimaraner after a meal.

In addition to the joy of having a Weimaraner as a pet, some owners also have enjoyed success in showing their dog or in field events. Weimaraners are hunting dogs and make good hunting companions.

However, when back at the house, they will be happiest living indoors.

Weimaraner Exercise Needs


Read More About Weimaraner


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