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What Is the Role of a Job Coach?

A job coach’s role is to help individuals maximize their prodution in the work place and to feel satisfied with their job. The job coach serves a role in which he tries to push his client to do his best.

He will try to help a client remain in a position or find a new one that matches the client’s gifts and abilities in the workplace. Job coaches help a variety of people, ranging from those trying to choose a career, those switching careers, and individuals with disabilities entering the workplace, as well.

Role of a Job Coach



Job coaches can help individuals find a job or succeed in a job they already have. The role of the job coach is to help an individual maximize the talents that they have in the workplace. This can be done by helping individuals maintain focus on the requirements of their job.

Two ways of doing this is by teaching employees to notice signs of their own procrastination or discouragement in the workplace and how to handle those feelings.


Company Job Coaches

Some companies will hire job coaches and keep them on staff as part of the personnel department. These job coaches will help the employees maximize their efforts. They work with the employees, identifying the employees’ strengths and weaknesses.

They also help employees understand career paths within a company and how to develop a game plan for how to progress along the career path.


Determine the Client’s Needs

When helping a client find a job, a job coach will want to determine the needs of the client. This involves sitting down with the client and giving her a battery of tests along with talking with the client and finding out her personal concerns about a prospective employer.

The job coach is expected to help her find a job that will meet these needs. Job coaches try to help their clients find jobs that meet their professional goals and fit in with their personal lifestyle, as well.


Follow Up With the Client

The job coach’s role is a continuous one. It does not end once he helps counsel an employee in his existing job or finds him a new position.

The job coach maintains contact with the client and continues to assist in goal setting and performance improvement. Helping the client to succeed and feel satisfied is an ongoing project for the job coach.


Helping Individuals With Disabilities

Job coaches can help individuals find jobs who are having difficulties due to disabilities or developmental issues. A job coach can help these individuals find employers that will hire them at higher pay rates that they might find on their own.

Job coaches can also help their clients assimilate with the rest of the work force at their new company. This can include setting up a schedule that works around doctor appointments, assisting the client in finding a place to live, and helping the client arrange transportation to and from work.


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