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A Healthy Diet During a Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a nutritious diet will help you and your baby stay healthy. A well-rounded diet that is balanced in nutritional content will aid in the prevention of pregnancy complications.

Diet During a Pregnancy



During pregnancy, the mother’s blood volume increases, and she grows the baby, the placenta and produces amniotic fluid; her body prepares for breastfeeding and requires nutrition for its own maintenance as well. These physical demands of pregnancy require additional calories and nutrition, especially protein, which is the building block of the body.



One pregnancy diet, developed by Dr. Tom Brewer, is designed for optimal nutrition and to prevent complications of pregnancy, such as metabolic toxemia. However, following the nutritional guidelines set forth by the USDA’s food pyramid works as well.


Time Frame

Ideally, you should have a healthy diet established before conception. It is especially important to have adequate amounts of folic acid in your diet to prevent neural tube defects at the time of conception. You should eat as healthy as possible throughout your entire pregnancy, although that may be difficult in the early weeks if you suffer from morning sickness. Continue to eat healthy during the postpartum period, especially if you are breastfeeding.



A healthy pregnancy diet requires adequate protein intake. Protein is the essential structure square of the body. A pregnant lady needs 80 to 100 grams of protein consistently. Eat three to five vegetable servings every day, including two servings of leafy greens and yellow or orange vegetables, the latter of which are good sources of Vitamin A. Include a potato several times a week; they are good sources of minerals, including iron.

Eat three servings of natural product every day, in any event one of which ought to be plentiful in nutrient C. You’ll need a second serving of Vitamin C daily; this can come from vegetables such as green peppers, tomatoes, or cauliflower. Eat five servings of whole grains daily, including foods such as oatmeal, granola bars, whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, etc. Your diet should also include five servings daily of healthy fats, such as olive oil, avocados, walnut oil, seeds, or nuts. In addition to the milk you drink each day, drink enough water so that you are not thirsty. Salt your food to taste.


Avoid the following foods: processed flour, processed sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors and preservatives, chemical additives, sushi, undercooked meats, soft cheeses, and alcohol. Avoid consuming fish, which may contain heavy metals. Limit caffeine. Avoid processed foods and meats in general.


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