that deer is ours!

Golden Retriever Training Guide

Golden Retriever training can be a great experience because the natural desire of this breed is to please the owner and be part of the action.

Many Golden Retrievers need little or no obedience training, though some people may urge at least the basics for any new dog.

In fact, some breeders and trainers insist that Golden Retrievers should have some formal obedience and basic training because the natural temperament of the breed could be ruined by faulty methods.


How to Train Golden Retriever

The calm, friendly temperament of this breed makes it an ideal choice for families with children. While the Golden Retriever is not aggressive enough to be considered a guard dog, it will alert the family to outside activities. Remember, this breed lives to please its master so typically, it would bark loudly at anything that seems suspicious. It would be best to discourage growling and barking during play, keeping this to real business of alerting.

Of course, the best way to train a Golden Retriever or any dog is to begin with a healthy, well-bred puppy. Young dogs are much easier to train and control. With the Golden Retriever, you ultimately want a dog ready to learn. Then to support positive behavior, you would provide praise. If you are firm, yet positive, you will build trust between you and your dog lasting a lifetime.

For housebreaking, the Golden Retriever is generally easy to train, though you may want to consider crate training. This method provides the dog a safe haven when it needs time to be alone. In addition, crate training encourages cleanliness in an area that belongs only to the dog. Prevention is always best in this training, so you should plan to take your dog out early in the morning and again at night, before you go to bed.


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Golden Retrievers are very good at obedience trials, doing well in tracking and retrieving competitions. This breed loves the challenge and fun of agility and trick competitions too. Originally bred as a hunting dog, the Golden Retriever is happiest in the open, able to run, swim, and retrieve for the hunter. If you take the time to choose a puppy from a top-quality breeder, you definitely want to begin socialization to help display positive, natural traits of this breed.


Golden Retriever Training Guide


Golden Retrievers, as much as any dog, will not respond well to harsh treatment or physical abuse. Remember, this breed is gentle and loving. The goal with training is to help your dog grow into a delightful companion with just a little guidance. Some experienced owners report that they can show this breed a trick or a command once or twice, which is picked up quickly and with eagerness. Therefore, it is best that you make the training fun and avoid instilling fear in this sensitive breed.

We recommend that if you take your dog to a professional trainer, you stay involved as much as is allowed and remember, working with a trainer who is experienced in this breed is a key to success. Just as we recommend visiting three or more breeders when you are looking for a puppy, we also recommend that you visit several trainers to see look at facilities and asking about their training methods.

One of the keys to using a formal training facility is the lack of distractions that may be present when you are at home. In addition, make sure the trainer uses only positive methods, staying away from harsh treatment and negative reinforcement.

This alone will make a huge difference in your Golden Retriever being a calm and loving family member.


Read More About Golden Retriever


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