that deer is ours!

How to Build Effective Teamwork

A team that can work well together, cooperate, collaborate and problem solve as a cohesive unit is going to be far more successful than a disorganized group that works with little or no regard for each other’s contribution to the effort. This is as true in the workplace as it is on the sports field.

However, in a culture where there is a singular emphasis on achievement, winning, coming out on top or coming first, and where football and basketball teams often prize one player above the others, it can be difficult to instill the value of working together with others to achieve a common goal.


5 Steps to Build Effective Teamwork

Build Effective Teamwork


1. Communicate a clear expectation that teamwork is required.

A group of people cannot be expected to work together as a team when their primary focus is to gain a promotion by performing better than their co-workers. Managers must be clear from the outset that the group must work together to achieve specified goals.


2. Demonstrate teamwork among executive and management and lead by example.

If a group has a strong executive and management team setting an example of teamwork, they are more likely to see credibility in management’s demands for a teamwork approach.


3. Hold regular meetings with all team members to discuss goals and how they can best be achieved by working as a team.

Solicit input from all members of the team, and make everyone feel that their ideas and views are welcomed.


4. Reward teams and not individuals.

If a teamwork culture is to be fostered, recognition, bonuses and rewards should be awarded to teams for their collaborative efforts.


5. Incorporate enjoyable, shared activities into the workplace to build unity and togetherness.

Whether it’s a quarterly pot luck, a monthly birthday celebration for those with birthdays that month or a trip to the bowling alley or beach, provide opportunities for the team to have fun together and bond.


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