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How to Compare Job Evaluations & Employee Evaluations

Many companies have policies in place for conducting job evaluations and employee evaluations. These are necessary to ensure that the descriptions of the jobs are accurate and that employees are successfully completing the tasks listed.

The evaluations determine if there is a need or a change that should to occur within the organization.


7 Ways to Compare Job Evaluations & Employee Evaluations

Compare Job Evaluations

1. Look at the forms of both evaluations.

The job evaluation, or performance plan, is designed specifically to identify requirements to complete an assigned task. The employee evaluation, or appraisal form, is designed to measure the performance of the employee who is doing the task.


2. Ask the employee to complete a self-review of both forms.

This gives an accurate perception of how the employee views the job and performance of the duties assigned.


3. Review the completed evaluations with the employee to determine if changes are required.

By analyzing the description of the job tasks and the performance of the employee, you can determine if the job evaluation is an accurate description of the duties of the position.


4. Examine the performance of the employee from the date of hire.

The employee evaluation provides a closer look at standards of performance. Is the employee completing the job tasks in the time and manner specified by the description? Use the answers from this evaluation to determine what is the next step for both the employee and company. This evaluation also is used during the probationary period of a new hire and then at regular intervals to monitor success and changes that may occur.


5. Talk with the employee while comparing both evaluations.

Identify areas of success for the employee and those that need adjusting on the job plan, or improvement in performance.


6. Listen to the input of the employee as perceptions of the job description and performance are discussed.

What are the concerns? Talk about what is necessary for the employee to advance in the company and show how the performance plan and employee evaluation lead to this goal.


7. Make changes that are agreed upon to both evaluations.

Set a date to come back and review both the job and employee evaluations again. Sign both documents after the evaluation and have the employee do the same.


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