that deer is ours!

How to Join Snail Mail Mailing Lists

Snail mail is the mail that actually comes to your home or business, and into your mailbox. It is paper mail, and not electronic mail. Just like with electronic mail, there are snail mailing lists that you can join.

A snail mail list is used for things like informational brochures, magazines, advertisements and newsletters. Signing up for a snail mail list is a process that usually doesn’t take very much time.


4 Steps to Join Snail Mail Mailing Lists

 Join Snail Mail Mailing

1. Locate a sign-up sheet at a store or at an event.

Companies and organizations often have paper mailing list sign-up forms that you add your name and address to. You can sign up for band mailing lists at concerts for that band. You can also sign up at events such as art festivals or community festivals, where organizations and clubs often have booths or tables set up for information.


2. Call the business or organization for which you would like to sign up for a mailing list.

Whoever answers the phone will be able to tell you how to sign up for the mailing list, and might even be able to take the information right over the phone.


3. Visit the website for the company or organization for which you want to join the mailing list.

Look for a link that specifies mailing list and that asks for your physical address, not your email address. If it asks for your physical address, it is an actual snail mailing list.


4. Sign up for a mailing list on an offer that comes to your home or business.

Sometimes, companies and organizations do mass mailings and send a newsletter or form letter to businesses and homes in the community. If you get one that you did not sign up for, read it to find instructions for being included on future mailings. Sometimes you’ll need to call a number or visit a website, and other times you will be asked to return a card in the mail.


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