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How to Know If a Pregnancy Is OK

The early days of pregnancy can be an anxious time, especially for a woman who has had a miscarriage in the past. Many women wish they had a window into the uterus to check and make sure the pregnancy is progressing as it should. Thanks to modern technology, there are many ways to determine that your pregnancy is OK.


Things You’ll Need

  • Thermometer
  • Home pregnancy tests


4 Steps to Know If a Pregnancy Is OK

Pregnancy Is OK

1. Take your temperature.

If you were charting your temperature in order to conceive, continue to take your temperature after a positive pregnancy test. Take your temperature every day for the first few weeks of your pregnancy. Your temperature should stay high. If your temperature suddenly begins to drop back down to your normal, pre-ovulation temperature, it is a sign that your pregnancy is not OK. If your temperature stays up, things are moving along as they should.


2. Take a home pregnancy test as soon as ten days after you ovulate.

Use a test that shows one or two lines. Use this test as your baseline for comparison. Continue to take a home pregnancy test every other day until you get a positive result. After getting a positive results, continue to test every day. The line on the test should get darker each time. This is a sign that your pregnancy is going along smoothly and your hormones are multiplying as they should.


3. Record the entirety of your pregnancy side effects every day.

This will help you remember what you experienced and when (memory trouble is often a symptom of pregnancy). It is normal to have no symptoms at all, or many symptoms, but if you have a symptom for a week or two that suddenly disappears, it may be a sign that things are not OK with your pregnancy. Common symptoms include sore, tender breasts, morning sickness, leg cramps, frequent urination, constipation and exhaustion.


4. Schedule an early ultrasound.

If you are really feeling unsettled about whether or not everything is going along OK with your pregnancy, ask your doctor to schedule a early ultrasound. Early, transvaginal ultrasounds are a bit uncomfortable, but they can give you peace of mind. A transvaginal ultrasound can detect a baby’s heartbeat as early as six and half weeks into the pregnancy.


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