that deer is ours!

How to Lower Your Heart Rate Naturally

High heart rate is a problem that needs to be fixed because it can lead to bigger health-related issues. The best way to find out if your heart rate is too high is to check your pulse either manually or by using a heart rate monitor. Your maximum heart rate should be 220 minus your age.

If you are over your maximum heart rate after exercising, you need to take major steps to lower your heart rate. Lowering your heart rate involves a number of lifestyle changes.


Exercise More Consistently

If you do a hard workout once a month, your heart rate is going to be extremely high because you push your body to the limit too rarely. Working out three to five times a week will strengthen your heart, decrease your heart rate and help you keep from overworking your body.

Exercise More Consistently


Lose Weight if You Are Overweight

Individuals with a few more pounds than they should have are forced to work harder than others to accomplish tasks. For example, taking out the trash will speed up the heart rate more for an overweight person than for someone else. The combination of exercise and a healthy diet is a great way to lose weight. Also, limit your fat intake.

Lose Weight if You Are Overweight


Start Eating a Heart-friendly Diet

Eating foods that are low in sodium (vegetables, beans, whole-grain foods, pasta, cereal, fresh fruit) will make a big difference, according to Cleveland Clinic. Research which foods are low in sodium and high in protein and other nutrients and work them into your every day meals. Your diet is a major part of bringing down your pulse.

Start Eating a Heart-friendly Diet


Avoid Bad Habits, Especially Smoking

Smoking hinders the breathing process, puts unwanted toxins and chemicals into the body and, ultimately, makes you work harder to accomplish everyday tasks or perform a simple workout. Smoking increases your heart rate. Quitting smoking is a major part of lowering your heart rate.

Avoid Bad Habits, Especially Smoking


Limit Stress

When you are stressed out, your blood pressure and heart rate spike. Stress is a normal part of life, but when you are stressed often, your heart rate is often higher than it should be. This is not healthy. Activities such as relaxed breathing, reading, taking a bath, doing yoga, dancing, jogging and walking are all ways to relieve stress, depending on what you prefer.

Limit Stress


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