that deer is ours!

Nutrition for a Twin Pregnancy

A twin pregnancy can be different from a singleton pregnancy in more ways than one. This is true when it comes to nutrition during pregnancy.

While a woman does not need to consume three times the amount of calories that she normally does, additional nutrients and some extra calories are needed.

Twin Pregnancy


Caloric Intake

The recommended number of calories for a twin pregnancy is 600 extra calories per day. Because the average woman age 19 to 30 should consume a minimum of 2,000 calories per day to maintain her pre-pregnancy weight, she should consume 2,600 when pregnant with twins.

The average woman who is 31 or older and pregnant with twins should consume a minimum of 2,400 calories per day. Women who are moderately active should consume an additional 200 calories above these totals, and those who are active should consume an additional 400 calories above these totals.



One supplement that is doubly significant in twin pregnancies is protein. Protein is an essential ingredient in the formation of body tissue and serves as a regulator for chemical reactions. In addition to meats, other rich sources of iron include nuts, tofu and lentils.


Preventing Anemia

Anemia happens when the body does not have adequate iron stores to make enough red blood cells, which supply oxygen throughout the body. Because a pregnant woman is technically a “host,” her fetuses will take the iron they need first.

This makes anemia a very common event in multiple pregnancies. Prevent this by taking iron supplements and eating iron-rich foods, such as spinach, sweet potatoes, beef and eggs. Consuming foods high in vitamin C, like oranges, will help a body absorb iron more efficiently.


Easy Calorie Boosters

If it is hard for you to eat an extra 600 calories a day, there are a couple of healthy ways to make it easier. Increment your caloric admission by drinking 100 percent natural product squeezes and low-or no-fat milk. Eat small nutrient-dense snacks between your regular meals.

Eat a handful of almonds or peanut butter on whole wheat bread before lunch, dinner and even before bed or as a midnight snack.


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