that deer is ours!

Pregnancy Announcement Ideas for Grandparents

After the pregnancy test comes back positive, the first thing many new parents-to-be start planning is the big announcement to the grandparents. The excitement and enormity of the happy event demands a creative way to spill the beans about the coming bundle.


Announcement Ideas for Grandparents


Fashion Statement

If the new grandchild will not be the first in the family, it is fun to involve the other grandkids in the revelation. Have a shirt printed that reads “Future Big Brother” or “Cousin in Training.” At the next big family gathering, watch to see how long it takes for Grandma to notice the shirt and figure out what it means.

If you live far away from your parents, fill up a package with baby clothing that refers to Grandma and Granddad. Mail the box to them, along with a note asking them to call you before they open it. You will get to share the moment of breathless anticipation as they open the package, and they will have tiny clothing to hold that will make the idea seem more tangible because you can’t be there to celebrate in person.


Fun with Photography

Since scrapbooking is such a popular hobby, use the pregnancy announcement as a time to capture a great shot for the book. Have one parent-to-be pose with relatives. Instead of asking them to say, “cheese,” tell them you will take the picture on the count of three. Instead of saying, “three,” announce, “We’re pregnant” as you snap the picture. The moment will forever be captured on film.

Along the same photography vein, create a collage photo display of family pictures, leaving one blank opening. Instead of filling the space with a picture, write, “Due to be filled on (baby’s due date).” Part of the fun will be watching the grandparents as they realize what you are telling them.

If you’d like to wait to reveal your pregnancy until after the first trimester, when the biggest risk for miscarriage has passed, you might be lucky enough to have a photograph of the new baby to help spread the news.

Pregnancy announcement cards are a new trend since the availability of 3D ultrasound has made it possible to produce fetal images that look more like a baby and less like a jellybean. You could also place the ultrasound picture in a frame for the grandparents to let them know they have a new family member on the way. No matter how you decide to announce your big news, it will be a special moment to remember forever. Have a camera on hand to capture the memory, and you can paste it into the baby’s keepsake book.


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