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Siberian Husky : 10 Most Common Questions

The Siberian Husky, which is a physically beautiful dog, can also be a loving companion for almost any home. This medium-sized dog is very clean and is great with children if raised in the home from a puppy.

Most experienced Siberian Husky owners and breeders will tell you not to rush out and buy a Husky just because it is a nice looking dog, one that seems friendly. This working breed needs open space to run in. Additionally, a Husky may also be somewhat of a challenge to train.

Even basic obedience and housetraining will take patience. To help with your decision about this wonderful dog, we have put together 10 common questions and answers for each.

Siberian Husky Questions


1. What is the background/history of the Siberian Husky?

The Husky’s roots are in the massive region known as Siberia, in Russia. It is commonly believed that the dogs were brought to Alaska early in the 20th century.

Used for sledding and pulling small carts, the breed has long been used in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions.


2. How big is the Husky?

The adult male Siberian Husky stands 21 inches to 23 inches at the withers, with the female of the breed an inch or two shorter.

Most adult males Huskies weigh 45 pounds to 60 pounds. Typically, females will weigh about 10 pounds less.


3. Are these good dogs in a family with children?

The Siberian Husky can be, especially if the puppy and children grow together. Siberian Huskies adapt well and are very affectionate.

A Siberian Husky is large enough to injure a very small child during play, so care should be taken not to leave infants and young children alone with the dog.


4. Do Siberian Huskies need a lot of grooming and cleaning?

Generally, this breed does not need a lot of grooming. The Husky is a very clean breed that sheds once, maybe twice each year.

A good combing and brushing will usually take care of any grooming needs. This breed is usually free of dog odor and the parasites that afflict most other breeds of dog.


5. Are Siberian Huskies really “snow” dog?

In a sense, yes since the Husky is comfortable in colder weather and will be very happy playing in the snow. The breed is historically used to frigid temperatures. Care should be taken to keep them cool and hydrated during hot weather.


6. Do all Siberian Huskies have blue eyes?

No, a Siberian Husky can have brown eyes, blue eyes, even one of each (bi-eyed). Usually, there is nothing wrong with the eyes if they are different colors.


7. Are Siberian Huskies good with other dogs?

In general, yes, a Husky will do fine with other dogs, especially if it has been raised and socialized by a good breeder.

However, small animals such as rabbits and cats may be targets for the Siberian Husky. Use caution when introducing the Husky or any new dog into the family.


8. Does the Siberian Husky have any serious health issues I should know about?

Usually, a Husky from a reputable breeder will have few, if any, health problems throughout its life.

Some purebred dogs have a tendency toward hip dysplasia, a genetic condition that can be detected early with the right tests. A Husky may also be prone to some eye problems that may limit vision. Therefore, be sure to ask the breeder and your veterinarian about these situations.


9. Is a Siberian Husky a good watchdog, since it looks like a wolf?

The Siberian Husky breed is not related to the wolf any more than any other dog breed. The appearance of the Husky can be deceiving because Huskies do not usually bark a lot. For this reason, the breed is intimidating in appearance but not much of a guard or watch dog.


10. Are Huskies hard to train?

Most people with experience in owning or breeding a Husky will tell you that this dog can be a challenge to train. The Siberian Husky is intelligent but usually will need to understand the reason for an activity that is not part of its natural behavior.

Basic obedience training with a professional trainer may be the best method to begin with.


Read More About Siberian Husky


1 Comment
  1. Ken says

    I had a bi-eyed Siberian Husky/wolf hybrid for 14 1/2 years. I’d owned an 85% wolf immediately prior to getting Kiska. She had a totally different personality than my wolf girl, Sasha. Kiska had a Husky brain. She was a huge Husky. 25″ at the withers and 80 lbs. Size was from the wolf. She was very intelligent but just not very willing to cooperate. I took her to a couple of obedience programs, both as a puppy and as a 1 year old. She completely understood all the behaviors, but would only perform them if you had a cookie in your hand. Playing fetch with her was hilarious. She would fetch the ball maybe twice and then just look at me as if to say “I already brought your ball back to you twice! Why do you keep throwing it away.?” I could walk my wolf off leash. Sasha would respond to both verbal and hand commands. Kiska would have run off to play. I miss them both.

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