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stress management

How to Change the Subconscious Mind

Much of what makes up who we are is hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness. Our subconscious mind is active at all times, even while we sleep. Most people remain unaware of the thoughts and feelings in this hidden partition of…

Self-reflection Activities

Socrates, Albert Schweitzer, Ben Franklin and other great thinkers believed that self-reflection was necessary to lead a productive and fulfilled life. In a world where moving quickly and being the best have become top priorities,…

How to Accept Imperfection

If you have the trait within yourself that you want to do well and will do your best to achieve it, then you are well on your way to being successful. Many people take this quality too far, trying to be perfect at everything, no matter…

How to Let Go of Guilt

Guilt is a powerful emotion. Sometimes it can help people realize when they've done wrong and encourage them to set things right. Other times it can be emotionally paralyzing, making it difficult for people to make amends or to move past…

How to Take Constructive Criticism

The term "constructive" when referring to criticism can be debatable. Knowing how to tell the good from the bad can take some of the sting out of these often unsolicited judgements. But everyone should know how to take some criticism…

Things to Write About in Journals

Journal keeping, or journaling, assists individuals in numerous ways. Recording thoughts, ideas and feelings allows you to observe changes and discover connections you would not be aware of otherwise. Formulating coherent narratives out of…

How Writing in a Journal Helps

Writing in a journal has numerous emotional health benefits. Journaling also has other mental health advantages; it is relativity cost effective, requiring only a pencil and notepad. Writing in a journal can be done just about anywhere and…

Journal Ideas for Moon Phases

The moon completes its rotation around the earth every month in just under 30 days. The view from earth appears as a full moon when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the planet. The moon appears to be gone from the sky (called a…

How to Reduce Fear With Positive Focus

Excessive fear can be both inhibitive and paralyzing. It hinders productivity, lowers self-esteem and limits opportunities. There are many ways to deal with it, from facing it head on to obtaining professional help. Different methods…