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Tips for Cooking Dorade Fish

Mild and light-tasting, with juicy and flavorful flesh, Dorade fish is one of the finest fish available in restaurants. It’s healthy, too. Four ounces of Dorade has about 100 calories, 1 gram of fat, 18.5 grams of protein, 15 milligrams of calcium, and 1.3 grams of iron.

There are many names for Dorade, including “dourada,” “dorada,” “dorado,” “sea beam,” “golden bream,” and “orata.” It is widely eaten in Spain, Italy, Turkey and Greece and is frequently considered the best tasting bream available.

Many varieties of Dorade are available year round at fish markets throughout the United States.


Buying Dorade Fish

Look for bright, shiny skin, bulging eyes, flesh that’s firm to the touch, and a not-too fishy odor.


Preparing Dorade Fish

Dorade is a bony fish; if you’re not an expert de-boner, it’s best to buy the fish already de-boned. Dorade is a wonderfully versatile fish; use it as a substitute for sole, snapper, or sea bass, and remember that each variety of Dorade is useable in bream recipes.

Excellent seasonings for Dorade include fresh lemon juice, lemon rind, thyme, oregano, garlic, chives, parsley, tarragon, and dry white wine. Avoid sauces; they overpower Dorade’s naturally delicious flavor.


Storing Dorade Fish

Once purchased, fish should be eaten as soon as possible. If you need to store the fish, wrap it (whole or in fillets) in plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator for up to three days. Or place the fish in a freezer bag and store for up to six months. Thaw in the refrigerator.


Tips for Cooking Dorade Fish


Sautéing or Frying

Coat the fish in a little flour and place it in a preheated pan with a some olive oil. It should only take two to four minutes to completely cook the fish through, turning the Dorade over halfway through the cooking time.


Baking or Barbequing

When barbequing, leave the Dorade’s skin in place, since the flesh is flaky and delicate. You may also wrap the fish in foil before barbecuing or baking.

For baked Dorade, try this method: Dredge the fish in flour, dip it in egg, coat it with breadcrumbs, and cook on a baking sheet.


Steaming and Poaching

To steam Dorade, try this method: Add about two tablespoons of oil to a pan and preheat. Add about three tablespoons of water and bring to a boil. Lay the fish in the pan, cover with foil, and steam until cooked through, about five minutes.

For an especially tasty meal, add vegetables, cover with foil, and steam for a few minutes before placing the fish on top of the vegetables to steam.


Dorade Fish


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Tips For Cooking Dorade Fish


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  1. Jubilee Shoals says

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