that deer is ours!

Top 5 Longest Rivers In the World

1. Nile This is the longest river in the world. The length of the Nile River is 4183 miles long and it is located mostly in Egypt.The Nile also touches Ethiopia,Zaire,Uganda,Rwanda, Burundi,Tanzania,Kenya and Sudan. The name Nile is…

5 Reasons You Should Take a Road Trip

The last two summers my boyfriend and I went on a road trip out west. Last year to South Dakota, Wyoming, and Colorado. This year we went all the way to Vancouver, Seattle, Oregon. And being from Chicago those locations are thousands of…

Stages on Adjusting to New Cultures

Whether you are going long term or short term the phases below are real and will affect your time and experience in a new place. You get off the plane just bursting with excitement or perhaps you suddenly realize that you are greatly in the…

5 Things to Take Travelling

What to take on a long term adventure? This is the question I get asked most often by friends and readers who are setting out on their journey. Here's 5 things to take travelling everyone should have. Note : Not a complete guide, but…

Top 5 Amazing Beaches In the World

1. Maldives The Maldives Islands have a host of beautiful beaches perfect for sunning, swimming, diving or fishing. Located on the Equator near Sri Lanka, the more than 1,000 island chain has a beach perfect for any taste, rocky, sandy,…

Top 5 Fiji Highlights

When I think of Fiji, I think of a bungalow at the end of a pier surrounded by prestige blue water. In fact, prestige waters and and beautiful white sandy beaches are all that many visitors to Fiji ever want or need and there are plenty of…