that deer is ours!

Bulldog Health Guide

The Bulldog is the national symbol of Great Britain, having originated in the British Isles. Today, this breed makes a wonderful pet although you want to make sure the puppy is given proper socialization.

Unfortunately, the Bulldog was first bred for bull baiting, meaning it was aggressive and ferocious but now, the negative traits have been eliminated through selective breeding.


Bulldog Health Guide

The great thing about choosing the Bulldog is that t has been fortunate in being virtually free of any disabling genetic diseases, unlike most other breeds. Even so, the Bulldog only has a lifespan of 8 to 10 years. However, there are a few considerations associated with the Bulldog although they are minor. For instance, this breed has sensitive skin.

Therefore, any shampoo should be dye-free and unscented. Additionally, simple insect bites can cause hives and itching. Because of this, it is recommended that the Bulldog not be a full-time outside dog. Because the price of the Bulldog is high, they are sometimes the focus of theft so do not leave the dog unattended.


Bulldog Health Guide


You will also find that the Bulldog does best in a home that is cool, comfortable, and free from neglect or fear. This breed loves being around people and in fact, when left alone, could possess destructive behaviors.

For this reason, if you work outside the home, it is highly recommended you invest in a dog crate. Due to wrinkled skin, you want to keep this breed in the air conditioning, especially in the summer months.


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This breed also needs to have its toenails clipped more frequently than other dog breeds. Again, the Bulldog is known for having wrinkles. If not cleaned, you could be dealing with irritation or infection. Once a week, use unscented baby wipes to clean these areas and then provide the dog with a monthly bath. Other than daily brush, the breed should have no significant problems.

Now, this breed does have a flat face, which means it is prone to breathing problems. For this reason, the Bulldog does not do well in hot climates. In fact, if left in the heat, the Bulldog can actually suffer from heat stroke.

Additionally, some Bulldogs will have problems with breathing because of a collapsible palate. For this, your veterinarian can perform a relatively simple surgery to correct it. If not, you would notice your dog snoring and breathing heavily.


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Finally, the Bulldog is not a good swimmer. Because of the body structure, you should never put your Bulldog in water. If you have a swimming pool or pond, make sure it is protected with a fence in that if the dog were to get in the water, it would likely drown.

Other common health risks include allergies, cherry eye, cataracts, and in older dogs, hip dysplasia. Then, if you plan to breed a Bulldog, keep in mind that puppies are commonly delivered via caesarean section due to its body structure.


Read More About Bulldog


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