that deer is ours!

Hilarious Gifts to Give New Moms

Most presents for new mothers focus on the sweet moments of parenting or on useful supplies for the baby. However, a hilarious gift may be just the way to celebrate a new mother with a sense of humor. Gifts such as items that were off-limits during pregnancy, silly books or a motherhood survival kit are sure to get a laugh from a new mother.

Hilarious Gifts to Give New Moms


Forbidden Items

Prepare a care package for the new mother full of all the delicious foods and other items that she has been unable to enjoy for the past nine months. Include foods that have been off-limits, such as soft cheeses, alcohol, caffeinated beverages and a gift card to a local sushi restaurant. Give her a gift card to a local spa or health club where she can enjoy spending time in the sauna, steam room and hot tub.


Advice Guide

Create a humorous advice guide to give the new mom. Ask her friends and family members to contribute a funny parenting story and what they learned from the situation, invite them each to share the best and worst parenting tips they have received or let them each write up a list of parenting mistakes to avoid.

Take all their suggestions and bind them together into a parenting advice book. For a less involved guide, purchase a parenting guide book with a humorous title, such as “Parenting for Dummies.”


Survival Kit

Put together a list of survival items for a new mom and attach a simple note to each item, explaining why it was added to the kit. Include items such as pain relievers and earplugs for the days when the baby just won’t stop crying.

Give her simple tokens such as a rubber band to help her stay flexible, marbles for the days she feels as if she has lost hers, wiggly eyes for the back of her head and a toothpick to help her pick something good out of every situation. Candy items such as Lifesavers to save her from a rough day, a fireball for when she is burnt out and Starbursts for a burst of energy can also be added to the kit, notes the Budget 101 website.


Humorous Baby Books

Help the new mom document the more hilarious moments in her baby’s first year by presenting her with a humorous baby book. The “New Parents’ Fun Book” by David and Kelly Sopp provides spaces to record information from baby’s first year and includes an assortment of activities, such as crossword puzzles and Mad Libs for Mom to complete during feedings or downtime with baby, according to the Parents website.

The “Inappropriate Baby Book” by Jennifer Stinson gives Mom a place to record first-year memories such as the color of baby’s first bowel movement and when a rectal thermometer was used for the first time.


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