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Thank You Gifts for Your Boss

Peggy Post, author of Emily Post's The Etiquette Advantage in Business urges employees to refrain from "giving a gift to a supervisor that's just from you." Rather, team up with other coworkers and present a group gift. Group efforts…

Gifts Under $10 for Employees

There comes a time in every supervisor's career when they will need to purchase gifts for employees. It is important that gifts are inexpensive, but show thought and will be useful to the employees. There are several options for…

Baby Shower Gifts for Fathers

If you're attending a co-ed baby shower or throwing one strictly for the father, it is only right to bring a gift that he could use. Men need just as much help, if not more, adjusting into their new role as fathers. Check with his family…

Inexpensive Gifts for Staff

Besides bonuses or salary raises in the form of cold, hard cash, staff gifts are a gracious means of showing appreciation for their hard work. They can also serve as rewards for extra effort and a job especially well done. These gifts will…

Gifts for Male Employees

Gift giving in the workplace or participating in a Secret Santa gift exchange can be a fun way to spread holiday cheer when a few parameters are put in place. Companies usually provide guidelines such as a predetermined spending amount up…

Inexpensive Gifts for Co-Workers

Holiday gift exchanges and birthdays can be trying times in an office. How much should you spend? Is a scarf too personal? Is candy too impersonal? What on earth should you buy for the guy down the hall whose name you picked out of a hat?…

Hilarious Gifts to Give New Moms

Most presents for new mothers focus on the sweet moments of parenting or on useful supplies for the baby. However, a hilarious gift may be just the way to celebrate a new mother with a sense of humor. Gifts such as items that were…

Gift Exchange Ideas for Work

Gift exchanges for office parties or holidays at the office can be a challenge. It can be difficult to know what to spend and what to buy. But there are a few ways to make your gift exchange a success and make the gift buying a bit easier.…

Subtle Ways to Show Affection

A little subtle affection can go a long way. Affection is useful whether you’re trying to show someone you like them or whether you’re in a 20-year relationship. When it comes to ideas, the possibilities are nearly endless. However,…