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How to Give Birth While Alone

Child births, particularly with those of first-time mothers, often occur with a lot of warnings and signs. You will have plenty of time to get to hospital. However, it is a good idea to learn about emergency delivery just in case you might need it.


5 Steps to Give Birth While Alone

How to Give Birth While Alone


1. Call your significant other, family or neighbors for help.

Call 911 to ask for medical help and ask the operator to contact your doctor. Try to be calm. Unlock the door so people can come in to help you.


2. Find some clean towels and lay them down on a sturdy surface, like the floor or a bed.

Lie down and wait for help. If the baby wants to come out before help arrives, gently push the baby out. When the baby’s head starts to emerge, press down gently on your perineum. That will lower the risk of the baby’s head popping out suddenly.


3. Don’t pull the baby out; let it come out slowly.

If you see the umbilical cord around the baby’s neck, try to get it over her head by using your fingers. The most difficult part is to deliver the shoulders. Hold the head with two hands and press it downward gently. At the same time, keep pushing until both shoulders are delivered. The rest of the baby will come out easily after that.


4. Wrap the baby with a blanket or a towel.

Put him on your stomach or chest. Clean the baby’s mouth and nose. Don’t try to cut the cord.


5. Try to keep your baby warm until help comes.

If the baby has not cried, gently blow some air on his mouth and nose, and rub his back gently.


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