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How to Cope With an Overdue Baby

Your due date is an educated guess about when childbirth most likely to occur. It is not unusual if your baby arrives 1 or 2 weeks after the due date. Your baby is considered overdue if it is already 2 weeks after the due date. Don't panic…

How to Give Birth While Alone

Child births, particularly with those of first-time mothers, often occur with a lot of warnings and signs. You will have plenty of time to get to hospital. However, it is a good idea to learn about emergency delivery just in case you might…

How to Be a Labor Coach

A good labor coach can impact the birth experience. Labor coaches provide support and encouragement during the labor process. A good labor coach helps the expecting mom through her labor and works to keep her focused, relaxed and…

How to Handle a Homebirth Emergency

Birth emergencies, which are rare, can happen whether you give birth in a hospital, birth center or at home. The difference is that when you experience an emergency while giving birth at home, you must be a more active participant in the…

How to Induce Labor With Castor Oil

At the end of your pregnancy, it may seem like a lifetime until you finally go into labor and welcome your new bundle of joy. If you're full term and have yet to start contracting, you may want to try natural methods to induce labor. One…