that deer is ours!

How to Improve Your Self Esteem and Gain Inner Confidence Even When You’re Down

Self-esteem is a sense of complete acceptance of the self, with a centered awareness that there is value in being. Building self esteem builds confidence.

It is an incremental process that requires consistent attention, but people who have it tend to do better in life. There are some practices you can try to strengthen your self-esteem and confidence.


Things You’ll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Time set aside for yourself every day


6 Ways to Improve Your Self Esteem and Gain Inner Confidence Even When You’re Down

Self Esteem

1. Write a list of five things you could reasonably do in 30 minutes.

Do one of these tasks each day for the next five days. Every time you finish your 30 minute task, acknowledge you have completed what you set out to do.


2. Make a list of two things you could do in the next week that would help someone else out.

It could be as simple as sending an email to say hello. The act will help you realize there are things you can do to change the lives of people around you.


3. For a week, make a conscious decision not to take anything personally.

Remind yourself at all times that someone else’s reaction is not a reflection on who you are. This could help you learn your intrinsic value doesn’t change due to external circumstances.


4. Create a journal to write down the positive things you can do to change your future.

Write down your goals and plans, and how you’re going to accomplish them. Use these action items for your 30 minute tasks in Step 1.


5. Do or learn something new.

The act of learning a new craft can give you a sense of accomplishment and something else to occupy your mind. Don’t worry about making mistakes as you learn.


6. Maintain good health.

Get involved in an exercise program. It will cut down on stress and contribute to your overall health.


Tips and Warnings

  • Surround yourself with positive people, influences and books.
  • Break down stress by taking positive action.
  • When you treat yourself with self respect you increase your own self worth and self esteem.
  • Leave the past in the past. Create new ways of attacking problems.


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