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How to Increase Breast Milk With Herbs

Mastogenic herbs, or herbs that help to increase breast milk, are not a new concept, rather they have been used by mothers around the world for centuries.

Not only are herbs a natural and healthy way to increase breast milk, they are also full of vitamins and minerals that both you and your baby need during this crucial period.


Things You’ll Need

  • Fenugreek capsules
  • Blessed thistle capsules
  • Fennel tea
  • Fennel lotion
  • Fresh alfalfa


4 Steps to Increase Breast Milk With Herbs

Breast Milk With Herbs


1. Take three capsules of fenugreek, three times daily after breast feeding when there is little or no milk left in the breast.

Fenugreek is by far the most popular of all herbs to increase breast milk, and history shows it was also used by ancient Egyptians as well as the Greeks and Romans.


2. Combine fenugreek with blessed thistle for best results.

Blessed thistle works to increase breast milk by stimulating the mammary glands. Like fenugreek, take three capsules, three times daily, taking the herbs together.


3. Drink fennel tea two or three times daily, an estrogenic drug that has been used both to increase breast milk and enhance breast size.

Fennel is also available in lotion form and can be massaged directly onto the breasts.


4. Gather the leaves of fresh alfalfa to make either tea or juice.

To make juice, place a handful of alfalfa in a blender with either carrots or orange juice, blend and strain, drinking once a day. To make tea, place 1 to 2 tsp. of fresh leaves in a cup, pour boiling water over the leaves and allow to steep 15 to 20 minutes. Alfalfa is rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals which are essential for milk production.


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