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New Daddy Tips

New dads are flooded with emotions about their baby and concern for their ability to take care of their baby. Becoming a daddy for the first time is an event you will never forget; it is also a stressful time.

While nothing can put a stop to these new-daddy jitters except experience, you can make the task of tending to your new bundle of joy easier with these tips.


Listen At The Hospital

During the time you spend in the hospital immediately following the birth of your child you will likely have lots on your mind. Don’t let this overwhelmed feeling prevent you from obtaining the valuable information that hospital staff has to offer.

The nurses along with the doctors will likely advise you how to properly do lots of things: change diapers, swaddle, feed your new infant and tend to her tender umbilical stump. Take advantage of these free lessons and absorb as much information as possible.


New Daddy Tips


Communicate With Your Partner

You may feel as though your partner was born to parent while you are faltering at every step; don’t worry, it’s likely an illusion and she probably has questions or uncertainties similar to yours.

Keep the lines of communication open as you move through the process of parenting with your partner. Talk with your partner about your concerns and continually offer each other support.


Ask for Help

If there is something you don’t know how to do or are unsure about, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Contact a friend or family member with child-rearing experience or speak to your infant’s pediatrician regarding any concerns you have.

No matter how small the issue may seem, no topic is taboo and no question is viewed as embarrassing when it comes to caring for your delicate baby.


Play for Relaxation

Taking care of a baby is a lot of work, but it doesn’t have to be all work and no play. Even though your newborn baby is still largely unresponsive you can engage in simple play so he can connect with you, easing some of the stress associated with caring for an infant.

One game you can play is peek-a-boo, covering and uncovering your eyes and shouting “Peek-a-boo” each time you uncover your eyes. Alternatively, take your baby for a spin around the living room, dancing with him to either your favorite tunes or hers.


Take a Break

If caring for your baby becomes overwhelming, step away. Take a night out with your partner, leaving the new baby in the care of grandparents or friends. Alternatively, head out with your friends for some time away from the house.


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