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How to Teach Self-Confidence

Self-confident children are better equipped to adjust to difficult situations in a constructive way. Dealing with issues such as peer pressure is easier when kids feel capable of making wise decisions.

Take a proactive stance to ensure that your children feel comfortable just being themselves. A consistent effort is necessary to build strong character and self-confidence in your kids, so waiting for the “right time” is a mistake.


5 Steps to Teach Self-Confidence

Teach Self-Confidence

1. Congratulate kids for trying their best even if they don’t win.

Taking the focus off winning allows children to concentrate on having fun without added pressure. It also teaches that everyone can’t win all the time and that losing isn’t a sign of weakness. This well-adjusted attitude prepares them for the times they’re not able to achieve goals. Kids who understand the value of trying are more likely to bounce back from mistakes instead of wallowing in defeat.


2. Teach kids that their opinions are important.

Encourage children to speak their minds about different situations. Listen as they reveal their way of thinking in both planned and spontaneous conversations. Let them know that although people won’t always agree with them, it’s still important to make their voices heard.


3. Encourage kids to participate in extracurricular activities.

Children can benefit from peer interaction as well as the thrill of meeting new challenges. Choose appropriate activities based on the age and interests of the child. Provide guidance without forcing your wishes on your kids. For instance, although you may love baseball, your son might want to take piano lessons.


4. Allow kids to perform some actions independently.

Kids gain a sense of pride from being able to triumph over fears and self-doubt. Avoid swooping in at the first sign of trouble, to reinforce your confidence in their reasoning abilities. Give kids more freedom as they display increased competence and responsible behavior.


5. Demonstrate self-confidence through your actions.

Although telling kids how they should behave is advised, your words aren’t enough to keep them focused. Showing kids how to deal with life provides them with a “blueprint” for success. Dealing with your issues leaves you better equipped to assist your kids. Kids feed off your moods, so displaying negativity can worry them.


Tips and Warnings

  • Reward positive behavior with praise and increased responsibility. Helping your kids set realistic goals increases their chances of meeting them. Letting kids perform volunteer work can build their self-confidence.
  • Avoid comparing your kids to others, because this could make them feel like they’re not good enough for you.


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