that deer is ours!

Is Taking Fish Oil Safe During Pregnancy?

Though there are certain supplements that are not recommended during pregnancy, Omega 3 fish oil is one that’s beneficial for pregnant women. However, it is very important to have the correct kind of fish oil. Fish oils that come from the liver of the fish contain the retinol form of vitamin and are not recommended during pregnancy. It is important to understand which form of fish oil should be used during pregnancy.

Fish Oil Safe During Pregnancy


Omega 3

Omega 3 essential fatty acids come from the body of the fish. DHA and EPA are types of Omega 3 fatty acids that are shown to have benefits for both baby and mother.


Where Can it be Found?

Fresh tuna is a food that contains good amounts of DHA. Omega 3 fatty acids can be found in supplement form and through several types of fish. Supplemental forms of fish oil come in capsules as well as in a newer style that contains the fish oil in a gummy bear-like substance you can chew. Foods that contain good amounts of DHA are salmon, fresh tuna and sardines.


Benefits to Baby

The correct fish oils have been known to benefit the baby by helping with retina formation, sleep patterns after birth, brain development and development of the nervous system.


Benefits to Mom

Chances of several pregnancy problems decrease with the use of fish oils during pregnancy. These include the chances of preeclampsia, preterm labor and post-partum depression.



Not at all like a few nourishments that have a RDA of the amount we ought to eat, serving sizes of fish for pregnant ladies are very different. It is recommended that pregnant women should not consume any more than two servings of the recommended fish each week. Because of environmental toxin levels in some fish, it is important to stay within the suggested weekly serving and to avoid fish containing mercury all together.


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