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Newborn Baby Shop Checklist

Parenthood can be an overwhelming time, especially for first-time parents. Preparing the essentials before the baby arrives will make life easier for both of you. Making a checklist of items to have at home and with you, before the baby arrives, is a good idea for any parent.

Every family has different needs and wants when preparing for a new baby, but the basic needs should be in order before baby makes his or her entrance.


Beds and Bedding

A newborn will need someplace to sleep once he or she comes home from the hospital. Whether you decide to have the newborn sleep in a bassinet or cradle next to your bedside or in a crib, there are items that need to be purchased before the baby is home.

A bassinet, cradle or crib, that meets federal safety standards, needs to be purchased. If one is going to be borrowed or purchased secondhand, be sure to check the company for any recalls.

Cribs require the purchase of a crib mattress as well. As far as bedding, two or three fitted sheets should be purchased, as well as two waterproof pads, and four cotton receiving blankets for swaddling your baby.

Beds and Bedding


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Clothing Basics

Babies go through a lot of clothing, so enough basic baby clothing should be purchased, washed and put away before the baby arrives home. Since babies grow quickly, it’s wise to purchase only basic newborn-size clothing.

You should purchase four to six onesies, both long-sleeved and short-sleeved, that snap at the crotch. Four to six footie sleepers should be purchased, heavy enough to keep baby warm but not so heavy that the baby will not sleep well.

Purchase six to eight comfortable outfits for the baby to wear during the day or when they go out to meet new family and friends.

Purchase four to six pairs of booties or socks, scratch mittens and one or two baby caps.

Purchase a jacket or heavy sweater depending on the weather.

Clothing Basics


Bath Time

Newborns will need to be bathed, so having the basics on hand will make bath time easier. A plastic infant tub will provide a safe place for baby while you’re giving him or her a bath.

Two to three packages of soft baby washcloths and two to three hooded towels should be purchased to assist with bath time.

Purchase baby shampoo, that doubles as body wash, along with baby lotion and baby oil. A small set of infant nail clippers and a soft comb and brush should be on hand, as well.

Bath Time



An approved car seat will be necessary to transport your infant from the hospital to your home — and everywhere else. There are a few things to look for to choose the right car seat for your infant.

Proper installation is important, so look for a car seat that is easy to install so your infant is safe and secure. Safety restraints are important, so be sure there are enough straps that properly secure your infant in the seat.

Be sure the seat is comfortable for the infant by selecting a seat with padding and head and neck support.

Head and neck padding can be purchased separately and should be removable from the seat as the infant grows.


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Newborn Baby Shop Checklist


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