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How to Do the Seated Knee Press

Back pain in labor is very common. Although there are many positions you can try to alleviate the pain, the seated knee press is one that has yielded great results. It works by "pressure directed via the femur straight into the flexed…

How to Massage a Woman in Labor

You don't have to be a certified massage therapist to give a laboring mom a good rub down, as long as you are careful. Moms in labor are usually quite sensitive to touch and smells. So, you must be careful about how much pressure you…

How to Use Movement With an Epidural

Movement in labor is a good tool to use to help the baby descend more quickly into the pelvis and also to descend in the proper position. Walking, squatting and even changing positions in the bed help your baby navigate his way into the…

How to Do the Double Hip Squeeze

Many moms in labor experience low back pain or pressure. As the baby settles lower into the pelvis, the head puts more pressure on the sacrum. To counter this pressure, moms generally like the hip squeeze. It's an effective,…

How to Handle Back Pain in Labor

In most cases, a woman feels some achiness or cramping in her back during labor, reveals the American Pregnancy Association, and for around a quarter of women back pain is severe. This pain is commonly referred to as "back labor," and tends…