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What to Bring to Daycare With an Infant?

Dropping an infant at daycare for the first time can be emotionally traumatic for both the parents and the baby. Bringing the appropriate items to the daycare can help ease the tension for both parties.

You may be able to leave some items at the daycare permanently, while others need to be brought back and forth between the home and daycare each day.


Bring to Daycare With an Infant
image source : Verywellfamily.com


Nutritional Items

Food or milk is necessary for your baby while at daycare. If you are nursing, pack enough breast milk for the day. Be sure to pack it in a refrigerated container so that it will not spoil.

If your baby drinks formula, pack enough for the day, plus a little extra, in case you run late picking up your child.

You can also pack a large container to last several days or a week.

Once your baby starts cereal, finger food or other foods, be sure to pack enough for the day. Be sure to include any bottles, sippy cups or containers that your baby uses to eat from.


Clothing and Diaper Supplies

You should always include two changes of clothing in the diaper bag for your baby. If your child soaks through his diaper or spits up all over his clothes, the daycare provider will need to change him.

Be sure to also include enough diapers to change your baby at least every two hours. If you use cloth diapers, be sure to include any necessary liners or plastic pants.

Wipes should be included in the back. Make sure each morning that there is an adequate amount in the container. If your baby is prone to diaper rashes, include an ointment that you would like used.


Other Items

Pacifiers are used by many babies, and if yours can’t go without one, be sure to pack at least two, so that there is a spare pacifier in case your child loses one or gets it dirty.

Burp cloths are essential if your child spits up often. If your child uses a special blanket, stuffed animal or other toy, be sure to include it. This will help calm your child. You can also include a set of sheets from home or infant pain reliever.

The medicine is especially useful if your baby is teething. If your child is on a prescription medicine, make sure to include it as well, with directions on when and how to administer it.


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What to Bring to Daycare With an Infant


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