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Detailed information, how to guides, research and tips about careers.

What are High Stress Jobs

Job-related stress is responsible for many health issues among the working population, but it is difficult to label a certain profession as more or less stressful than another. There are many variables that factor into the amount of…

How to Deal with Workplace Gossip

How you deal with workplace gossip is something you consciously and unconsciously do every day at work. Gossip or the "rumor mill" can be trivial or harmful, depending on the topic of discussion. Learn how to avoid and deal with this…

Reasons to Work on a Cruise Ship

Much is said about working on board and, yes, there is pressure, long working hours, no day off for months, but what's the good part of it? Read below. 1. Free Accommodation and Meals Your salary is yours to do…

How to Confront Failure

Most people experience failures at some time in their lives. Failures may occur at work, school or in personal relationships. When a person fails at a task, he may feel that he is a failure. Feelings of failure might then progress to low…

What Is the Role of a Job Coach?

A job coach's role is to help individuals maximize their prodution in the work place and to feel satisfied with their job. The job coach serves a role in which he tries to push his client to do his best. He will try to help a client…