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Detailed information, how to guides, research and tips about parenting.

A List of Needed Baby Items

The amazing thing about babies is how such small creatures could possibly need the large pile of things that have been deemed essential. Some things are necessary, while some things are merely convenient. A baby's basic needs are fairly…

How to Treat Mastitis

Mastitis is a painful infection of the breast experienced by women who are breastfeeding. Preventing or quickly relieving engorgement by nursing your baby or expressing your breast milk can help to prevent mastitis. If you feel you are…

How to Care for a Circumcised Infant

Baby boys have foreskin covering the tip of the penis when they’re born. When they are circumcised, the foreskin is removed so the head of the penis is exposed. Parents often choose to circumcise their infants due to religious beliefs, but…

How to Help Dad Bond with a Newborn

Bonding with a newborn can seem like second nature to a new mom, but helping a new dad to bond with a newborn can be a challenge. As the mom, it is absolutely necessary to help the dad overcome the many things that can stand between him…

How to Prevent Flat Head

Sometimes, babies develop a flat spot on their heads in-utero, but many cases -- known as positional plagiocephaly -- result simply from the way newborns sit and lie down. With consistent pressure on the same place, an infant's soft,…

How to Swaddle an Infant

Your mother and grandmother may swear by swaddling to help a baby sleep, but swaddling demands special care to ensure that your infant is safe. The American Academy of Pediatrics has released specific recommendations, on its website…