that deer is ours!

Boxing Cardio Exercises

You don't have to be a fighter to love the fat-blasting and toning effects of boxing cardio exercises. According to Shape.com, boxing cardio workouts can burn as much as 600 calories per hour. According to the Centers for Disease Control…

Elliptical Machine Effectiveness

Used correctly, elliptical machines can provide an effective cardio workout. If you slump, take it too easy or avoid varying your routine, the elliptical may lose some of its effectiveness. Strengthen your quads, shred calories and tighten…

How to Play Hanukkah Party Games

There are many popular party games that can be used during Hanukkah to keep guests entertained. Which ones you choose depends on many factors, such as the age of the guests, family traditions and personal preferences. Some games have been…

Jogging in Between Sets

Increase the results of your strength-training working by jogging in between sets. The combination of anaerobic and aerobic exercises provides variety to your routine, increases calorie burning and shortens your overall workout time.…