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Detailed information, how to guides, research and tips about relationships.

Dating Sites for Men

Online dating sites have become an increasingly popular means for single men to find the ideal mate. Whether you are seeking a woman or another man, there are several dating websites to suit your needs. Some paid websites, such as…

Where Can I Have a Virtual Mate?

Modern life is becoming increasingly busy and many people are turning to the internet to socialize with virtual friends and partners. If you want to do that, you need to know about different types of virtual mates, and where to find them.…

How to Attract a Girl on the Net

As of 2020, Internet dating has come a long way from the anonymous chat rooms of the late 1990s, with plenty of hip, young dating sites popping up online everyday. You can meet a wide variety of girls online, depending on what type of…

How to Meet Australian Women

Whether you're an Australian man looking for a relationship or you're just looking to meet some interesting women from Australia, you can meet a number of different women from down under through online dating and social networking services.…

The Biggest Social Dating Sites

Over the years, more people have turned to the web as an outlet to network, socialize and date. New online dating sites seem to pop up on a daily basis promising to help the user find love. Many of these sites boast large numbers of…