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workplace etiquette

Office Etiquette & Perfumes

While a small spritz of scent may brighten your day, it may be an assault on an office mate's sense of smell. A personal scent might be in bad taste within the confined space of an office. Before partaking in your favorite signature…

Employee Thank-You Note Ideas

Express your appreciation and gratitude to employees for a job well done by sending a nice thank-you note to them, perhaps accompanying a bonus that they've earned. While you can purchase a variety of different types of thank-you notes,…

Corporate Washroom Hygiene Rules

It is important to corporate America to establish hygiene rules to ensure cleanliness in the workplace--especially when it comes to washroom hygiene. Washroom hygiene rules are more heavily enforced in some companies because this ensures…

Skills for Accounting Jobs

Companies leave their financial affairs in the hands of the accountant. This job comes with tremendous trust and pressure, as the accountant is responsible for managing key daily financial transactions such as investments, taxes, budgets,…

Common Workplace Ethics Violations

An ethical company is one in which the employees and management trust one another and work to the common good. Ethics violations carry a wide variety of consequences, from policy and procedure changes to firings. Maintaining an ethical…

What Is the Correct CV Format?

Creating a CV, or curriculum vitae, for the purposes of applying for a job is one of the most critical steps in the process. A poorly constructed CV will reflect poorly on the applicant and can hurt her chances of landing the job. CVs…

Child Labor Laws for Canada

Canada has a long history of protecting the rights of children, dating back to the nineteenth century Factory Acts. Nowadays, child labor in Canada is regulated by federal, provincial and territorial law. Rules regarding the employment…

How to Build Effective Teamwork

A team that can work well together, cooperate, collaborate and problem solve as a cohesive unit is going to be far more successful than a disorganized group that works with little or no regard for each other's contribution to the effort.…