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workplace etiquette

Office Etiquette for Sympathy Cards

Bonds formed in the workplace often create a family environment away from home. When someone in that second family experiences a death, co-workers may not know how to help. Start by sending a sympathy card to express support during a…

Phone Etiquette for a Secretary

Answering the telephone is an integral part of a secretary's responsibilities. Some are responsible for only one telephone, while others operate switchboards. Whether a secretary is making or receiving calls, good telephone etiquette is…

Thank You Gifts for Your Boss

Peggy Post, author of Emily Post's The Etiquette Advantage in Business urges employees to refrain from "giving a gift to a supervisor that's just from you." Rather, team up with other coworkers and present a group gift. Group efforts…

How to Confront a Disrespectful Boss

Conflict resolution is a difficult task in any situation. Many people try to avoid confrontation at all costs while others face it head on. This can be a particularly sticky situation when the person you are in conflict with is your boss,…

How to Decline a Business Invitation

You've received an invitation to a company function or event and you won't be able to attend. You must o decline, but you are unsure about the proper etiquette in executing this task. Keep this general rule in mind: The formality of the…

Gifts Under $10 for Employees

There comes a time in every supervisor's career when they will need to purchase gifts for employees. It is important that gifts are inexpensive, but show thought and will be useful to the employees. There are several options for…

Psychological Abuse in the Workplace

Psychological abuse in the workplace is hostile behavior that lowers a victim’s opinion of himself, causes physical or mental distress and affects job performance. Workplace psychological abuse has a number of causes and preventions.…

Pros & Cons of a 9/80 Work Schedule

A 9/80 work schedule takes place over two weeks. It consists of eight consecutive nine-hour work days and one eight-hour workday. On day 10 of the cycle, usually a Friday, the worker is off. A worker on a 9/80 schedule has a two-day…